
Mission Statement

TSSCVPR is dedicated to support, communicate, and provide education to health care professionals and their communities in cardiovascular and pulmonary health in order to enhance primary and secondary prevention of cardiac and pulmonary disease.  This can and will be accomplished through continued affiliation and support of AACVPR and other organizations of similar purpose and interests fostering a climate that encourages innovation and quality improvement.

 Become a Joint Affiliate Member of TSSCVPR / AACVPR

Save the Date!

TSSCVPR 41st Annual Symposium

April 25th & 26th 2025

Wyndham Lancaster Resort and Convention Center

Below is the link for reservations. You can also use the code of 042425TRI under group code when booking online.

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TSSCVPR is a Joint Affiliate of AACVPR, meaning your single dues payment earns you the benefits of both AACVPR and TSSCVPR , as well as AACVPR's EducationAdvantage membership benefits - free webcasts worth valuable CEs!

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